The Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act 2012 was passed at Queen’s Park. It created a permanent refundable personal income tax credit to help seniors aged 65 and older with the costs incurred in permanent home modifications made to their Orangeville homes to help improve accessibility.
This allows seniors who are Orangeville and or Dufferin County home owners and tenants as well as people who share their home with a senior relative to claim the credit of up to $1,500 each year, calculated as 15% of up to $10,000 in eligible home renovation expenses.
It can be claimed on their annual personal income tax return. Eligible expenses incurred on or after October 1, 2011 qualify for this credit.
For more information on qualifications and the application process for the Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit, contact the Ontario Ministry of Finance at 1-866-668-8297 or visit their web site.