I have to say I was shocked to hear on the radio today that the Harvey Curry Park or Orangeville’s Every Kid’s Park as I know it, will be getting an overhaul. The reason for my shock was that the announcer said the park and splash pad was about 20 years old! Time really does fly! I remember when that park was being built and I feel like it was just yesterday. With summer in full swing, the kids out of school and the temperatures rising, many people have been taking full advantage of all the local parks and splash pads available in our wonderful community of Orangeville.
It got me thinking, I wonder when people come to visit Orangeville, do they really know about all this little town has to offer? I had to look up on the web to see that Orangeville is home to 35 parks some with sports fields, pavilions and water parks. The Town of Orangeville has a park locator map that can give you the info about all the local parks. As more and more new people move to the area, the extensive portfolio of parks and recreational areas in town offers families an opportunity to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
I still am in shock about Orangeville’s Every Kid’s Park being 20 years old. I have been trying to look up who spearheaded this initiative to have a park accessible for all but am not finding much on Google. I believe it was a woman and I remember her son. She was very active in having a park that was inclusive for all. From what I am reading, Orangeville’s Every Kid’s Park was hailed as one of Canada’s first fully accessible playgrounds. That is truly amazing. The park is located just off Lawrence Ave. The splash pad is generally open from mid June until September. Construction is slated to start the end of August and be ready for July 1, 2020. There are pop-up consultations happening to voice your input for concepts for the park.
I know that there are many parks in town that service groups such as the Lion’s Club or Rotary have had a hand in developing and the town is to look after. The pavilion on Diane Drive offers a place for get together and just recently hosted to road hockey tournament. The Lion’s Club also created the BMX park over in the Alder rec area. There are larger parks like the splash pad on Fendley Park located near Montgomery and Riddell Road and then small intimate parkettes like Walsh Crescent.
No matter the neighborhood you live in Orangeville, you have access to some wonderful park areas and many walking trails. I realize no town is perfect and we all know about our taxes here in Orangeville; but, it is something to have maintained areas for residents to use, enjoy and promote healthy active living right in our own backyards! Just another reason why I think Orangeville is the place to call home!